Welcome fellow explorer! | you have found Slumber - the sleep game!

Slumber is a game designed to help you sleep, where you play as a lonely sea slug on a quest to find friends and explore the vast and mysterious ocean. We are currently looking for people who want to play Slumber and join in the discussion on how the game is to be developed. Sounds interesting? Hit us up below and we will get back to you with updates and demos!

Join us about slumber


“An utterly innovative, brave, big game. I have no idea if this will work, but I want to see it try! ”

“It’s inventive, and different.”

– Professors at Uppsala University

A game for sleeping
The sleep game Slumber is a relaxing underwater world designed to help you sleep. In Slumber you get to be a nudibranch (which is a very fancy sea slug) exploring a dark and mysterious ocean full of wondrous creatures. Slumber uses sleep friendly colours that are easy on the eyes, and although the ocean may be dark it is completely safe for you to enjoy. You will find Slumber on your smartphone or tablet so you can play it in bed before going to sleep, and in the morning you might wake up to a surprise! (…we can’t promise it’s not something fishy)

Background to the project
Who hasn’t found themselves lying in bed at night, trying to fall asleep but becoming frustrated because you simply can’t? Perhaps you tried at some point to play a game (say, on your phone) in order to take your mind off the fact that sleep is not going to happen anytime soon? And, if you think about it, how many times did the game that you played actually keep you awake rather than make you sleepier? Slumber is a game in development that is designed to help the player sleep. The prototype was created by five second-year students from the Game design program at Uppsala university, Sweden, and it was presented for the first time at Gotland Game Conference in 2016.

check out our trailer

Blog posts and such

Latest News

Slumber talks on P4 Stockholm (Swedish)

Slumber’s producer Evelina Foxberg gets interviewed about Slumber by Swedish radio hosts Marika Carlsson and Hasse Brontén in Marika i P3′s broadcast on how to handle stress.

Slumber goes to GameConnection!

We’re going to GameConnection in Paris in October. Come by the Uppsala University booth and chat with us – we would love to meet you! See you there! 🙂